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ZenUI Keyboard Emoji Theme APK

ZenUI Keyboard Emoji Theme APK

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The ZenUI keyboard is the answer for your input speed, efficiency, precision, comfort and pleasure!
Type the words according to your typing method, whether you tap the keys, swipe them, or use handwriting to enter your texts or messages. For even faster typing, use the voice method that allows you to enter the text by voice.
The ZenUI keyboard is also equipped with practical tips to speed up data entry with automatic correction and prediction functions. You do not have to type an entire word because there are suggestions and you can select them in the suggestion bar.
+ Personal dictionary: save frequent words in your personal dictionary. When you type words, they appear instantly in the suggestion bar.
+ Themes Store: Download colorful themes and dress your keyboard according to your mood and personality.
+ Emoticons: Activate emoticons in the list of input languages ​​and insert them into your text and messages.
+ Voice input: A faster input method allows you to enter your text by voice. Tap the microphone icon in the toolbar and speak in front of the microphone.
+ Other preferences: Set the input method, including larger key characters, key height, and auto-spacing.

Supported Android
varies with device

Download ZenUI Keyboard Emoji Theme APK For Android


ZenUI _board-

Additional Information

Developer : ZenUI, ASUS Computer Inc.

Version :

Google Play : PlayStore

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