Click once and RealTimes instantly finds the best moments in your photos and videos. It automatically organizes and adds transitions and a soundtrack. RealTimes gives life to your Stories â„¢ and lets you share them.
Everything you need to create your own stories. You have complete control to select, organize and edit your photos and videos. Edit photos, apply filters, edit transitions, write captions and choose your own soundtrack.
You can save your photos, videos and stories RealTimes on your private cloud space.
+ You have complete control to select, organize and edit your own stories
+ Share your stories with everyone, even those who do not have RealTimes
+ Share photos, videos and stories on any smartphone, tablet or computer
+ Send your photos, videos and stories privately by email, WhatsApp and more
+ Post your history on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest
+ Save all your photos, videos and stories on a private cloud space
+ Anything you upload is automatically organized chronologically
For More Info Google Play
Supported Android
{4.4 and UP}
Supported Android Version:-
KitKat (4.4–4.4.4)- Lollipop (5.0–5.0.2) or UP
Download RealTimes Video Maker 3.1.15Â APK For Android