Pokemon Lets Go Mobile APK

Pokemon Lets Go Mobile APK

3.2/5 - (4 votes)

Pokemon Lets Go Mobile APK2 Pokemon Lets Go Mobile APK1

3.2/5 - (4 votes)

In Pokemon Let’s Go Mobile, players can make their Pokemon stay with them instead of keeping them in Pokeballs. However, this is not a new feature, even compared to the original Pokemon Yellow. What makes this feature much more interesting is that you can keep more than one Pokémon out of their balls. That being said, you can have all of your Pokemon running with you when traveling through the lands of Kanto. Moreover, if you have big Pokemons like Onix, Gyarados and others, you can even overlap them with other small Pokemons. It makes the trainer feel like they’re in the real world of Pokemon. Compete against tough gym leaders to earn your badges, catch Pokemon to complete your Pokedex, and defeat the evil Team Rocket organization. Additionally, you will need to befriend your Pokémon to gain their trust and affection. This would in turn strengthen the bonds between the trainer and their Pokemon, giving them a powerful boost during battles.

Pokemon Lets Go Mobile APK Download Free for Android

Pokemon-Lets Go-Mobile_Beta.apk

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Google Play : PlayStore

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