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MultiTimer 2.0.1

MultiTimer 2.0.1

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MultiTimer v2.0.1

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MultiTimer v2.0.1

Multiple timers can be started at once or separately and run concurrently. Very useful in many situations , such as cooking, sports, games and etc.
Each timer can have different name and many times reusable . In addition, different sound alarm and the length , vibration on / off for each timer.
+ Up to 60 timers can be created
Support + 20 color themes ( possible to change the color of individual pieces as well )
+ Timers are active even after restart phone
+ Display expected end time and inform
+ Setting the application and the import / export timer
Notify when end timers +

For More Info Google Play

Supported Android

Varies with device

Download MultiTimer 2.0.1 APK For Android


MultiTimer pro v2.0.1.apk

Additional Information

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Version :

Google Play : PlayStore

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