KLSE Screener Bursa [Ad Free]

KLSE Screener Bursa [Ad Free]

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KLSE (Bursa) Stock Screener is an online tool to help you analyze Malaysia Stock Market better without difficulty.
+ Widget for the tracking list (App must be in Internal storage)
+ Provide financial reports of stocks over 10 years
+ Includes: PE, ROE, dividend yield, EPS, NTA, etc.
+ History chart (5 years, + volumes, zoomable on full screen)
+ Stock interactive chart (100+ TA, on Android 4.4 KitKat and above)
+ EOD 30 days.
+ Filter and find the stock basis on the criteria.
+ Indices and market shares
+ Fee Calculator (basic, rate settings can be changed)
+ Business Classifieds

Supported Android

Varies with device

Download KLSE Screener Bursa [Ad Free] APK For Android


KLSE Screener (Bursa)_v0.9.8.38_marcx[Subscribed].apk

Additional Information

Developer : neobie

Version :

Google Play : PlayStore

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