Here is available the latest version of Cute Cut apk that you can use as a video editing app. If you are interested in creating your own unique movies and sharing them with others, Cute CUT is exactly the app you need. It is an amazing video editing app that offers you numerous easy-to-use editing features and helps you create one-of-a-kind media content.
key features
Easy to use user interface
The user interface of the Cute CUT app is very simple. You can simply drag and drop to organize your media segments easily. Movies are displayed shelf-style. Everything is organized according to order in the interface, for example: a movie consists of several types of tracks and a track can contain several segments. It also supports portrait and landscape mode.
make different movies
With Cute CUT, you can create your own unique movies. Supports adding up to 6 types of media to movies, including: video (album/camera), photo (album/camera), self drawing, text, music, and voice.
Draw directly on film
Cute CUT app allows you to draw whatever you want on your movie directly. It provides more than 30 drawing tools, 3 advanced brushes and much more. You can even edit texture, linear gradient, radial gradient, gradients, etc. and create professional effects in your movie.
Different Resolutions, Proportions and Modes
Cute CUT supports various resolutions and aspect ratios including HD (16:9), SD (4:3), SQUARE (1:1) and even portrait and landscape mode.
PIP (Picture-in-Picture) Movie
With Cute CUT, creating a PIP movie is extremely easy. It allows you to layer one movie on top of another and resize each and every video segment independently.
customizable transition
This app offers you different tools to make your videos more exciting. It offers you more than 20 preset transitions and many editable gradient effects. Transparency, border, corner, shadow, transform and sound volume, etc. ALL are customizable.
share your movie
You can distribute your movie on Camera Roll or send it to your friends via email. You can even post it on YouTube, Facebook or other platforms.
Tutorials and help
Cute cut app also provides complete video tutorials to help you fully understand the usage of the app.
Upgrade to Pro
You can upgrade to the Pro version of the latest Cute CUT and get the following features,
Movies without watermark.
Unlimited movie length.