Appy Geek Tech news 5.6.6

Appy Geek Tech news 5.6.6

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Appy Geek Tech news v5.6.6

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Appy Geek Tech news v5.6.6

With Appy Geek, create your premium channels and follow all the news that matters to you.
Whether hardware news, Android Wear, mobile, home automation, connected, science, objects, video games, photo, social networks, unusual or buzz … We have everything you need!
Find sources of information such as Gizmodo, net 01 Clubic, Journal du Geek, Juicer, but also Fubiz, BeGeek, Golem13, Ufunk, Topito, Minute Buzz and much more!
+ Smart: Appy Geek personalizes your experience with regard to the news that interests you.
+ Essential: Find a daily digest of the news that matters to you.
+ Complete: Choose from over a million subjects in order to personalize your homepage.
+ Customizable: Add the RSS feeds of your favorite media and websites for a richer experience.
+ Innovative: Explore topics related to the news of each item through our technology Tag Nav â„¢.

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