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Andika Modz APK

Andika Modz APK

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Andika Modz APK1

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Andika Modz APK:

Andika Modz ML is an application used for online games specifically Mobile Legend Bang Bang. It is a multiplayer game where the warriors fall in a battle and try to save themselves from the attack of the opposing team. Like other apps, it also has several features. By playing Mobile Legend Bang Bang using this application, the player becomes more powerful than other players. It is the fastest way to progress in the game. The player can stay longer in the battle. The best thing about this app is that you can change player skins and costumes according to your own choice.

This is a special app using which you can fulfill your desires regarding the game. This app is free but as it is a third party app you will not find it on the Google Play store. You can download it from our website. It is easy to download and use. Andika Modz ML also gives you in-game rewards. When you use this app to play MLBB, you will get real fun and enjoy it very much. You can make your in-game status quickly through this app.

Andika Modz Features:

When you open this app on your device, you will see three options displayed in your bar named Show Menu, ESP Menu, Inject Skins, Field of View and Auto Aim.

Show menu:

In the View menu, there are three more options. It’s up to you whether you want to open Showroom, Hp bar Info or Show Mini Map.

Inject skins:

This is the most liked segment of this app as this app provides options like unlocking all skins, changing job rank and classic and also supports opening painted skins.

Auto Aim:

By opening this option, you will be able to enjoy auto-aim lock, flame shot, low target health, short range shot, basic attack and range increase.

ESP menu:

In this menu you can use a shortcut to ESP, ESP Box or Circle. Also, you can change hero name, ESP name, distance, point and many more.

Field of view:

It allows you to upgrade your camera view to 2x, 4x and 6x. Also, you can control the field view using this app.

Andika Modz Additional Features:

There are many amazing and unique features of this app. Some of them are described as:

New and updated tips.
It’s free.
Fix bugs and errors.
Easy to download and use.
He gives you rewards.
The choice to change ml skins and costumes at your own will.
Increase player power.
Fully functional mod.
No advertising.

Andika Modz APK Download For Android


Additional Information

Developer :

Version :

Google Play : PlayStore

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