Quran Majeed Prayer Times Azan Qibla Premium 2.9.83h APK

Quran Majeed Prayer Times Azan Qibla Premium 2.9.83h APK

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 Coran Majeed - القرآن, Qibla, temps de prières – Vignette de la capture d'écran  Coran Majeed - القرآن, Qibla, temps de prières – Vignette de la capture d'écran  Coran Majeed - القرآن, Qibla, temps de prières – Vignette de la capture d'écran

1/5 - (1 vote)

Quran Majeed is a great app that beautifies your life with the blessing of reading and listening to the Qur’an whenever you want and wherever you are. The latest version of the authentic Quran Majeed app offers a full version of the Qur’an in an elegant Ottoman script, audio recitation and translations, as well as the latest Tafsir feature, read by a scholar Muslim (‘alim).
+ Four English translations (Pickthall, Dr. Mohsin, Mahmoud and Yusuf Ali’s) and eighteen other translations (Bengali, Bosnian, Dutch, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Malayalam, Malay, Norwegian, Persian, Russian, Sindhi , Swedish, Turkish, Urdu, Uighur, Uzbek).
+ The Advanced Audio options help you memorize (repeat Aya (verse), Surah, the number of repetitions you want, the interval and the speed of recitation).

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Download Quran Majeed Prayer Times Azan Qibla Premium 2.9.83h APK For Android



Additional Information

Developer : Pakdata

Version : 2.9.83h

Google Play : PlayStore

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