Ml Build Guide Apk is a leading app developed for ML games. You can take a closer look at some of the features through this app. For example, when a new hero comes out, you will have the opportunity to experience it and you will also be able to access the best (global) version of players with this application.
With the ML Build app, you can easily access all the heroes and their tips. Also, our team takes heroes that haven’t even made it to the regular server and adds them to the app. So you can see all the new heroes and get a chance to check or rate them before entering the game.
the latest device
Ml Build Guide app always provides its users with the latest build tools. Whenever a new piece of gear is added to the game or an existing kit is updated, we immediately make the necessary changes and add them to our app. So you always keep up-to-date knowledge about the game.
certified building system
We use standardized build icons in our app so you can easily see who owns the device (build) and their stats. Thanks to this system, you can easily get a lot of information, such as the win ratio, the player’s league in the game, and the number of games played by him. So you choose your construction with certified construction in mind
Latest news and videos
Ml Build Guide Apk is not just a build guide app but also provides you with the latest news and videos about the game. Our team will introduce you to activities that are not yet in the game and new hero skins, our team will also provide information about the hero featured in the survey, and you can also find the latest hero videos on the video page.