BigBlu Substratum Theme 24.8 Patched

BigBlu Substratum Theme 24.8 Patched

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Welcome to BigBlu, a unique custom theme for the substratum thematic system. Using black, black or transparent backgrounds and blue accents, BigBlu will turn your device and theme into some of your favorite apps. Big Blu gives you the ability to choose from several buttons or no buttons at all, and they will show through the theme and through many themed apps. Just choose the button you want when you activate the Android system overlay and your ready to go.
Samsung users, BigBlu theme may some of your user applications, but this theme is intended to run on its own framework for PSBA and CM based ROMs, it was never built for TW.

Supported Android

Varies with device

Download BigBlu Substratum Theme 24.8 Patched APK For Android


BigBlu v24.8 P.apk

Additional Information

Developer : cerj

Version : 24.8

Google Play : PlayStore

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